When choosing artificial grass, aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability play a crucial role. The search for a solution that both protects the environment and looks beautiful or serves a highly functional purpose can be overwhelming. This FAQ page provides comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions, covering everything from the benefits of ONE-DNA™ artificial grass and its differences from other products to assessing environmental impacts and their importance. All the necessary information is gathered here to fully inform and assist in making a conscious choice.

Didn’t find the answer to all your questions? No problem, we are here to help.

Circulair kunstgras

General information

ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is an innovative product specifically developed with sustainability and circularity in mind. What makes ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass unique is that it is made from only one type of polymer. This means the artificial grass is composed of a single raw material, offering several advantages over traditional artificial grass, which is often made from multiple materials.

Here are the key features and benefits of ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass:

  • Circularity: Because the artificial grass is made from a single type of polymer, it is much easier to recycle. After use, the artificial grass can be fully converted into new products of the same quality, without any material loss or reduction in quality.
  • Lower CO2 Emissions: The production of ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass requires less energy than the production of other artificial grass. This results in lower CO2 emissions, contributing to a reduced ecological footprint.
  • Minimal Use of Raw Materials: Since the artificial grass requires only one raw material, the need for different materials is reduced. This minimizes the consumption of natural resources and reduces environmental impact.
  • Elimination of Downcycling: Traditional artificial grass often leads to downcycling during recycling. This occurs because traditional artificial grass is composed of a mix of different polymers, resulting in a recycled material of lower quality and limited usability for new applications. ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass, being made from a single type of polymer, solves this problem. The quality of the recycled material is preserved, meaning the artificial grass can be converted into new high-quality products after use.

With ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass, LimeGreen® aims for a future where artificial grass is not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also makes a positive contribution to the environment. It is a significant step towards a more sustainable world, where we manage our resources more consciously and reduce our impact on the climate.

ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is made from a single type of polymer, namely polyethylene (PE). In addition, we use high-quality TenCate yarns, known for their durability and quality. Polyethylene was chosen for its durability, recyclability, and versatility. Here are some characteristics of polyethylene that make it ideal for use in ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass:

  • Durability: Polyethylene is a strong and durable material that resists wear and the elements, giving the artificial grass a long lifespan.
  • Recyclability: Because ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is entirely made of polyethylene, it can be easily recycled without any loss of quality. This makes it perfectly suited for circular use models.
  • Safety: Polyethylene is non-toxic and safe for use in applications where children and pets may come into contact with it, such as playgrounds and gardens.
  • Shape Retention: Polyethylene retains its shape and structure well, ensuring a consistent and natural appearance of the artificial grass.

By using only one type of material, polyethylene, combined with high-quality TenCate yarns, ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass can be easily recycled and reused for high-quality applications, making it a sustainable and environmentally friendly choice.

ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass differs from other artificial grass products in several ways, particularly in terms of sustainability, recyclability, and material composition. Here are the key differences:

Material Composition:

  • ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass: Made from a single type of polymer, namely polyethylene (PE), and uses high-quality TenCate yarns. This single-material composition makes the product homogeneous and easy to recycle.
  • Other artificial grass products: Often composed of a mix of different materials, such as various types of polymers and fillers. This complexity makes recycling more difficult and often leads to a loss of quality.

Circularity and Recyclability:

  • ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass: Because it is made from a single type of polymer, the artificial grass can be fully recycled without any loss of quality. This allows the material to be reused for high-quality applications, making it ideal for a circular economy.
  • Other artificial grass products: Due to the mix of materials, recycling is often complex and leads to downcycling, where the recycled material is of lower quality and less versatile for new products.

Environmental Impact and CO2 Emissions:

  • ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass: Its production requires less energy, resulting in lower CO2 emissions. This contributes to a reduced ecological footprint and aligns well with sustainability goals.
  • Other artificial grass products: Production can be more energy-intensive due to the complexity of the materials, leading to higher CO2 emissions.

Use of Raw Materials:

  • ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass: Requires only one type of raw material, minimizing the consumption of natural resources and reducing environmental impact.
  • Other artificial grass products: Require multiple raw materials, which can lead to higher consumption of natural resources and greater environmental impact.

Quality and Performance:

  • ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass: By using high-quality TenCate yarns and polyethylene, it offers a durable, shape-retaining, and consistent product that is long-lasting and safe for children and pets.
  • Other artificial grass products: Quality can vary depending on the materials used and their resistance to wear and the elements.

In summary, ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass offers a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative through its simple and high-quality composition, excellent recyclability, and lower environmental impact.

Sustainability ONE-DNA™️

Yes, ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is environmentally friendly for several reasons. It is made from a single type of polymer, namely polyethylene (PE), which simplifies recycling and minimizes the use of various raw materials. This makes the production process more efficient and eco-friendly. The design of ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass focuses on full recyclability, meaning the product can be converted into high-quality new products at the end of its life, reducing waste and the need for new raw materials.

Additionally, ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass does not contain hazardous substances such as heavy metals, plasticizers, or other harmful chemicals, which lowers its environmental impact during both production and disposal. The production process is designed to be energy-efficient, resulting in a lower ecological footprint. A significant pollutant step that has been eliminated is the use of large ovens typically required to dry coatings (latex, PU, PP). Thanks to a patented technique, this coating is no longer necessary, further reducing the environmental burden.

ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is also designed for durability and a long lifespan, meaning it requires less frequent replacement, which reduces the need for new raw materials and the impact of production and installation. Additionally, the artificial grass requires minimal maintenance, limiting the use of water, energy, and chemical products throughout the product’s lifespan.

By combining these factors, ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional artificial grass.

ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass supports sustainability in several ways. Here are the key points:

Circularity and Recyclability:

  • Mono-Material: ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is made from a single type of polymer, namely polyethylene (PE). This makes it easier to recycle without any loss of quality. Traditional artificial grass, which is composed of multiple materials, often leads to downcycling, where the quality of the recycled material is reduced. With ONE-DNA™️, the quality is maintained, meaning the material can be reused repeatedly for high-quality applications.

Lower CO2 Emissions:

  • Efficient Production: The production of ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass requires less energy than traditional artificial grass. This is due to the use of only one type of polymer and optimized production processes. Lower energy consumption means reduced CO2 emissions, contributing to a smaller ecological footprint.

Use of High-Quality Materials:

  • TenCate Yarns: By using high-quality TenCate yarns, known for their durability and long lifespan, ONE-DNA™️ helps reduce waste. These yarns are resistant to wear and retain their quality longer, resulting in less frequent replacement and thus less waste.

Minimal Use of Raw Materials:

  • Efficient Use of Resources: Because ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass requires only one type of raw material, it reduces the dependence on multiple natural resources. This minimizes the environmental impact of the production process and contributes to more sustainable material usage.

Long Lifespan and Low Maintenance:

  • Durable Design: ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is designed to last and withstand various weather conditions and heavy use. This reduces the frequency of replacement and maintenance, further lowering the environmental impact.

Safety and Health:

  • Non-Toxic: Polyethylene is non-toxic and safe for applications where children and pets may come into contact with it. This ensures a safe play environment without harmful chemicals, contributing to a healthier environment.

By incorporating these features, ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass contributes to a more sustainable world by promoting recycling, reducing CO2 emissions, using raw materials efficiently, minimizing waste, and providing safe, long-lasting products.

Yes, ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass can certainly be recycled, and that is one of its greatest advantages. Here are the details:

Mono-Material Composition:

  • Polyethylene (PE): ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is made from a single type of polymer, namely polyethylene. This mono-material composition makes the recycling process much simpler and more efficient. Traditional artificial grass often consists of a mix of different polymers and fillers, complicating recycling and often resulting in downcycling.

High-Quality Recycling:

  • Preservation of Quality: Since ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is entirely made of polyethylene, it can be recycled without any loss of quality. This means that the recycled material retains the same high quality as the original, making it suitable for reuse in high-end applications.

Simple Recycling Process:

  • Single Polymer: The use of only one type of polymer eliminates the need to separate different materials during recycling. This significantly simplifies the recycling process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.


  • Renewable Raw Material: The recycled polyethylene from ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass can be reused to create new artificial grass or other polyethylene products. This contributes to a circular economy where materials are continuously reused and waste is minimized.

Sustainable Practices:

  • Reduced Environmental Impact: By making artificial grass easy to recycle and reuse, the need to extract new raw materials is reduced, lowering the environmental impact. This contributes to reducing the ecological footprint and promotes the sustainable use of resources.

In summary, the recycling capabilities of ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass are a key part of its sustainable nature. The mono-material composition of polyethylene and the use of high-quality TenCate yarns ensure that the artificial grass can be recycled simply and effectively, contributing to a more sustainable and circular economy.

Environmental impact artificial grass

The environmental impact of artificial grass is determined by various factors throughout the entire life cycle of the product, including production, use, and eventual disposal. Here are the key components:

Raw Materials:

  • Type of Material: Artificial grass is often made from polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), or nylon. The environmental friendliness of these materials can vary.
  • Production Process: The energy required to extract and process the raw materials plays a role in the environmental impact.


  • Energy Consumption: How much energy is used during the production of the artificial grass.
  • Emissions: The emission of greenhouse gases and other pollutants during production.


  • Distance: The distance that the materials and final product must travel affects the total CO2 emissions.
  • Mode of Transport: The environmental impact varies depending on the mode of transportation used (truck, ship, airplane, etc.).


  • Use of Materials: Which materials and how much of them are needed for the installation of the artificial grass.
  • Energy Consumption: The energy required for installing the artificial grass.


  • Maintenance: The frequency and type of maintenance (such as brushing, watering, or the use of chemical products) can influence the environmental impact.
  • Lifespan: How long the artificial grass lasts before it needs to be replaced.

Disposal and Recycling:

  • Recycling Options: Can the artificial grass be recycled, and how effective is this process?
  • Waste Management: How is the product disposed of at the end of its life? Is it landfilled, incinerated, or recycled?

To fairly and objectively compare the environmental impact of artificial grass products, you can use three standardized methods: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), and Environmental Cost Indicator (ECI). Here’s a brief explanation of what these methods entail:

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method used to evaluate the environmental impacts of a product throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to production, use, and eventual disposal or recycling. By mapping out each phase of the life cycle and quantifying the environmental impact, an LCA provides a detailed and comprehensive picture of a product’s ecological footprint.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a standardized way to communicate the environmental performance of a product, based on the results of an LCA. An EPD is independently verified and offers transparent, comparable information about a product’s environmental impact, enabling consumers and businesses to make informed decisions. The document covers various impact categories such as greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, water use, and waste production.

Environmental Cost Indicator (ECI)

The Environmental Cost Indicator (ECI) is a metric that expresses the environmental costs of a product or process in monetary terms. It combines the various environmental effects into a single score, making it easier to compare the overall environmental impact of different products. The ECI uses data from the LCA and EPD to calculate the environmental costs and provides a holistic approach to evaluating the sustainability of products.


By using LCA, EPD, and ECI, you can make a comprehensive and reliable comparison of the environmental impact of artificial grass products. These methods offer standardized, independent, and transparent data that are essential for making sustainable choices.

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a standardized methodology used to evaluate the environmental impacts of a product, process, or service throughout its entire life cycle. This analysis includes all phases of the life cycle, from raw material extraction and production, through use, to the end of life, including recycling and waste management. An LCA is conducted by an independent external company to ensure objective and reliable results.

An LCA provides a detailed and comprehensive view of the environmental impacts of a product throughout its entire life cycle. This helps businesses and consumers better understand where the greatest impact lies and how it can be reduced. Conducting an LCA and publishing the results promotes transparency and accountability. This can increase the trust of consumers and stakeholders and enhance a positive image.

In short, a Life Cycle Assessment is a powerful tool for assessing and improving the environmental performance of products, processes, and services. By having an LCA conducted by an independent external company, the objectivity and reliability of the results are ensured. This provides businesses and consumers with the necessary insights to make sustainable choices and reduce the ecological footprint.

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a standardized way to transparently communicate the environmental performance of a product. An EPD is based on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and is independently verified to ensure the objectivity and reliability of the information provided. The document offers detailed data on the environmental impact of a product throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to production, use, and end of life.

What can you do with an EPD?

Understanding Environmental Performance:

  • An EPD provides comprehensive information about a product’s environmental effects. This helps companies gain insight into the ecological footprint of their products and identify areas for improvement.

Product Comparison:

  • Because EPDs are standardized, they enable the consistent and comparable assessment of the environmental performance of different products. This is essential for companies and consumers who want to make sustainable choices.

Supporting Sustainability Goals:

  • Companies can use EPDs to support and communicate their sustainability goals. EPDs provide the necessary data to track and report progress toward environmental objectives.

Transparency and Accountability:

  • Publishing an EPD promotes transparency and accountability, which can lead to greater trust from consumers and stakeholders. This helps companies build and maintain a positive image.

Market Differentiation:

  • By communicating environmental performance through EPDs, companies can differentiate themselves in the market. This can provide a competitive advantage, especially in markets where sustainability plays a significant role in purchasing decisions.

Regulation and Certification:

  • In some sectors and regions, EPDs are required for certifications and compliance with environmental regulations. Having an EPD can help meet these requirements and obtain environmental certifications.


An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a powerful tool for transparently communicating a product’s environmental performance. It offers valuable insights for companies and consumers, enables product comparison, supports sustainability goals, promotes transparency and accountability, and can contribute to market differentiation and regulatory compliance. By utilizing EPDs, companies and consumers can make informed choices and contribute to a more sustainable future.

The Environmental Cost Indicator (ECI) is a metric that expresses the environmental costs of a product, process, or service in monetary terms. The ECI is based on a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and combines the environmental impacts of various impact categories into a single score, making it easier to compare the overall environmental impact of different products.

How can you use the ECI ?

Product Comparison:

  • The ECI makes it easy to compare the total environmental impact of different products. A lower ECI score indicates a lower environmental impact, which can help in selecting more sustainable products.


  • Companies can use the ECI to make informed decisions about product design, material selection, and production processes. By choosing options with a lower ECI, they can reduce their ecological footprint.

Cost-Benefit Analysis:

  • The ECI can be integrated into cost-benefit analyses to quantify the environmental benefits of sustainable investments. This helps companies clearly demonstrate the economic advantages of environmentally friendly choices.

Communication and Marketing:

  • By communicating the ECI, companies can clearly convey their commitment to sustainability to customers and stakeholders. This can lead to a better image and a competitive advantage in markets where sustainability plays a key role.

Regulation and Certification:

  • In some sectors, compliance with environmental standards and regulations is essential. The ECI can help demonstrate compliance and secure environmental certifications.


The Environmental Cost Indicator (ECI) provides a standardized way to express the total environmental impact of products and processes in monetary terms. By using an LCA and weighting factors, a single score is calculated that helps companies and consumers make sustainable choices. The ECI is a valuable tool for product comparison, decision-making, cost-benefit analysis, communication, and compliance with environmental regulations.

The environmental impact of ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is lower than that of other artificial grasses for the following reasons:

Single Polymer (PE):

  • ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is made from a single type of polymer, namely polyethylene (PE). This makes it easier to recycle because the separation process of different polymers is unnecessary, which often leads to downcycling in other artificial grass products. Additionally, fewer different raw materials are required, making the production process more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Designed for Recycling:

  • The design of ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass focuses on full recyclability. This means that at the end of its life cycle, the product can be converted into high-quality new products, reducing waste and lowering the need for new raw materials.

Lower Emissions During Production:

  • The production process of ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is designed to be energy-efficient, resulting in a smaller ecological footprint. A significant polluting step that we have eliminated from the production process is the use of large ovens typically needed to dry the coating (latex, PU, PP). Thanks to a patented technique, we do not require this coating, further reducing the environmental burden.

Certifications ONE-DNA™

ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass has achieved unique results in fire safety without the addition of chemical flame retardants, making it highly suitable for use in public spaces, events, and indoor environments.

Stringent Fire Safety Tests

  • ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass has been subjected to the rigorous ISO 9239-1 standard, an international standard for determining the fire properties of floor coverings. The result? The highest fire safety classification without the use of chemical additives.

Suitable for Various Applications

  • The fire safety of ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass makes it particularly suitable for:
    • Events: With the BFL-S1 certification, the artificial grass is ideal for use at trade shows and exhibitions.
    • Indoor: Safe for use in various indoor environments, including commercial and residential applications.
    • Roofs: A fire-safe solution that can also be applied on roofs.

European Standards and Certification

  • ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass complies with the strict European standards EN 13501-1 and EN 13501-5 for fire classification of construction products and plastics. These standards are essential to ensuring safety in public and commercial spaces.

The wear resistance of ONE-DNA™ artificial grass has been extensively tested in an aging study conducted by SGS. This study examined the effects of accelerated aging due to exposure to UV radiation, elevated temperatures, and water over 2500 and 5000 hours, which correspond to approximately 10 and 25 years of outdoor use, respectively.

The test results showed that after 5000 hours of exposure, no significant changes were observed in the thickness, total length, and color of the fibers for both LimeGreen Play and LimeGreen Landscape artificial grass. This indicates that the fibers retain their physical properties well under prolonged exposure to the elements.

Furthermore, the study demonstrated that there was only a slight decrease in the Melt Mass-Flow Rate (MFR) after 2500 hours of aging, indicating minimal degradation of the polymer material. The decrease in MFR was more significant after 5000 hours of aging, but the results suggest that the materials will only show a minor decrease in this property after 10 years of outdoor use.

In summary, it can be concluded that ONE-DNA™ artificial grass has high wear resistance and is designed to maintain its properties well over a long lifespan of 10 to 25 years in outdoor conditions.

ONE-DNA™ artificial grass has been thoroughly tested for leaching and safety, and the results confirm that the product does not release harmful substances. Here are the findings from the various tests:

Leaching Test: The leaching test conducted by SGS shows that there is no significant leaching of heavy metals and salts. The only substances released in very small amounts were sulfate and molybdenum, but these values are well within the permissible limits according to the Dutch Soil Quality Decree.

SVHC Test: The analysis for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) indicates that there are no SVHC components present in the artificial grass. All tested batches of LimeGreen Play and LimeGreen Landscape fully comply with the requirements, with values well below the legal limits.

EN 71-3 Safety of Toys Test: The migration of elements according to the EN 71-3 standard for toy safety confirms that no harmful amounts of metals such as aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, and lead leach out. All measured values are well below the allowable limits, indicating that the artificial grass is safe for use in play environments.

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) Test: The test for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) shows that the concentrations of these substances in the artificial grass are very low and comply with the standards for toys, with results below the detection limit of 0.5 mg/kg.

Based on these extensive tests, it can be concluded that ONE-DNA™ artificial grass does not leach harmful substances and is safe for use in various environments, including playgrounds.

The ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass from LimeGreen offers exceptional drainage capacity. While a typical artificial grass mat drains about 60 liters per minute per square meter, ONE-DNA, with its FreeFlow Drainage, a unique fully permeable backing, achieves an extraordinary drainage capacity of around 650 liters per square meter per minute.

ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is perfectly safe for children and pets. This artificial grass meets the stringent safety requirements of the EN 71-3 standard, specifically focused on toy safety. The EN 71-3 test checks for the migration of harmful elements in materials and sets very strict limits on the allowable amounts.

The test results show that ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass falls well within the safe limits for all tested elements, such as heavy metals and other potentially harmful substances. This ensures that children and pets can play safely without any concerns about their health and safety.

Moreover, ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is free from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs), further contributing to the overall safety and environmental friendliness of the product.

LimeGreen’s ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass contains no hazardous substances, as evidenced by various reports:

SVHC Analysis: ONE-DNA™ artificial grass has been thoroughly tested for the presence of “Substances of Very High Concern” (SVHC), a list of 223 substances compiled by REACH. SGS Intron has confirmed that ONE-DNA™ products comply with EU 2013/1272 standards regarding PFAS and other substances on the REACH list, including PFOA, C9-14 PFCAs, PFHxS, PFBS, and PFHpA.

Leaching Test: Research by SGS Intron shows that the emission of heavy metals and salts from ONE-DNA™ artificial grass is negligible, meeting the stringent emission value requirements.

EN 71-3 Toy Safety: The products have also been tested according to the EN 71-3 standard for toy safety. The results demonstrated that all tested samples met the toy safety standards, indicating that the products are safe for use by children.

These extensive tests and certifications confirm that LimeGreen’s ONE-DNA™️ artificial grass is free from hazardous substances and is safe for human use and the environment.

Monomaterial vs Multimaterial

Choosing monomaterial is a smart move, and there are good reasons for it. More and more sectors, such as the packaging industry, are making this transition as well. But why exactly?

  1. Simplified Recycling: With monomaterial, the entire product is made from a single type of raw material. This makes the recycling process much simpler and more efficient. Unlike products made from multiple materials, there’s no need for complex material separation.
  2. Higher Quality of Recycled Materials: Monomaterial retains its value during the recycling process. This means that the recycled raw material remains of high quality and can be widely used for new products. This prevents the so-called downcycling, where the quality and purity of the raw material are lost.
  3. Reduced Environmental Impact: By choosing a single type of material, production often becomes more energy-efficient. Less energy consumption means lower CO2 emissions, which directly contributes to a smaller ecological footprint. Moreover, you minimize the use of raw materials, contributing to more sustainable management of our natural resources.
  4. Trend in the Packaging Industry: The packaging industry is already making significant strides toward monomaterials. Large companies are switching to packaging made from a single type of plastic or cardboard. This makes packaging easier to recycle and reduces the amount of waste ending up in landfills. This trend shows that it’s not only feasible but also attractive from a sustainability perspective.

In short, by choosing monomaterial, you can not only contribute to a more sustainable future but also benefit from more efficient production processes and higher-quality recycled materials.

The difference between monomaterial and multimaterial artificial grass lies primarily in the composition and its implications for recycling and sustainability. Let’s outline the key differences:

Monomaterial Artificial Grass


  • Made from a single type of raw material, often a single polymer such as polyethylene (PE).


  • Simplified Recycling: Since the artificial grass is made from one material, the recycling process is much simpler. There’s no need to separate different materials.
  • Higher Quality Recycled Material: The recycled material better retains its original properties, making it high-quality and versatile for use in new products.
  • More Sustainable: Production and recycling use less energy and result in lower CO2 emissions. This aligns seamlessly with sustainability trends and regulations, such as those from the EU.
  • Reduced Use of Raw Materials: Using one type of raw material leads to more efficient material use and reduces waste.

Multimaterial Artificial Grass


  • Made from multiple types of materials, such as different types of polymers (e.g., polyethylene, polypropylene, and nylon), often combined with other materials like latex or PU (polyurethane).


  • More Difficult to Recycle: Separating the different materials is a complex and costly process, often leading to less efficient recycling methods.
  • Lower Quality Recycled Material: The recycled material often lacks the purity and quality of the original material, leading to downcycling. This means the recycled product is less versatile and often of lower quality.
  • Greater Environmental Impact: The production of multimaterial artificial grass consumes more energy and results in higher CO2 emissions. Additionally, there is more waste, contributing to a larger ecological footprint.
  • More Complex Production: Combining different materials can increase production costs and reduce efficiency.


Choosing monomaterial artificial grass offers clear advantages in terms of sustainability, recycling, and quality. Multimaterial artificial grass, on the other hand, can lead to complications and inefficiencies in both production and recycling, with a greater negative impact on the environment. By switching to monomaterial artificial grass, we can take an important step towards a circular economy and a more sustainable future.

Monomaterial artificial grass is better for recycling for several reasons related to simplicity, efficiency, and the quality of the recycled material. Here are the key advantages:

  1.  Separation and Processing
    • Monomaterial artificial grass is made entirely from a single type of raw material, usually a single polymer such as polyethylene (PE). This makes the recycling process much simpler because there is no need to separate different materials. Unlike multimaterial artificial grass, which can consist of various types of polymers and other materials, monomaterial simplifies the sorting and separation steps.
  2. Higher Quality of Recycled Materials
    • The recycled material from monomaterial artificial grass better retains its original properties compared to recycled materials from multimaterial products. This means that the quality and purity of the recycled monomaterial are higher, making it more versatile and valuable for reuse in new products. There is less risk of downcycling, where recycled materials are of lower quality and less broadly applicable.
  3. More Efficient and Cost-Effective Process
    • Recycling monomaterial artificial grass requires less complex processes and technologies. This not only makes recycling more efficient but also more cost-effective. Less complicated procedures mean lower energy consumption and operational costs, contributing to a more sustainable and economically attractive recycling process.
  4. Lower Environmental Impact
    • Because monomaterial artificial grass is easier to recycle and yields higher quality recycled materials, the ecological footprint of the recycling process is smaller. Less energy is needed for separating and processing the materials, leading to lower CO2 emissions. Additionally, less waste is produced, contributing to better environmental protection.
  5. Promotion of a Circular Economy
    • Monomaterial artificial grass fits perfectly into the principles of a circular economy, where materials are reused repeatedly without loss of quality. This helps conserve resources and reduces the need for new raw materials. It also enables artificial grass to be fully recycled and reused for new applications at the end of its life cycle, contributing to sustainability and environmental protection.


Monomaterial artificial grass is better for recycling due to the simplicity of the process, higher quality of the recycled material, lower costs and environmental impact, and the promotion of a circular economy. It offers a practical and sustainable solution that meets the growing demand for environmentally friendly and efficient recycling methods.

The use of monomaterial artificial grass offers several environmental benefits that contribute to a more sustainable future. Here are the key environmental advantages:

  1. Simpler and More Efficient Recycling
    • Because monomaterial artificial grass is made from a single type of raw material, the recycling process is much simpler and more efficient. This means less energy consumption during the recycling process, leading to lower CO2 emissions. The simplicity of the process also reduces the need for complex and energy-intensive separation techniques required for multimaterial artificial grass.
  2. Less Waste and Resource Loss
    • Recycling monomaterial artificial grass results in less waste and resource loss. The materials retain their quality and can be reused in new products without being downgraded to less valuable applications. This helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and ensures more efficient use of natural resources.
  3. Reduction in CO2 Emissions
    • The production and recycling process of monomaterial artificial grass requires less energy compared to multimaterial products. This results in lower CO2 emissions throughout the life cycle of the artificial grass, from production to end-of-life. By using less energy-intensive processes, the ecological footprint of the product is significantly reduced.
  4. Promotion of a Circular Economy
    • Monomaterial artificial grass aligns perfectly with the principles of a circular economy. The use of a single type of material allows the artificial grass to be fully recycled and reused for new applications at the end of its life cycle. This promotes the conservation of resources and minimizes the need for new, virgin materials. It also contributes to a closed-loop system, where materials are continuously reintroduced into the production cycle.
  5. Lower Consumption of Natural Resources
    • Because monomaterial artificial grass is easier and more efficient to recycle, reliance on new raw materials is reduced. This helps conserve natural resources and contributes to more sustainable management of our planet. Less extraction and processing of new materials also means fewer environmentally disruptive activities such as mining and extraction.


The use of monomaterial artificial grass offers significant environmental benefits through simpler and more efficient recycling, less waste and resource loss, lower CO2 emissions, and the promotion of a circular economy. These advantages contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future, which is essential in the current context of climate change and the need to reduce our ecological footprint.
