
Kunstgrascenter ONE DNA Kunstgras

Since 1997, Kunstgrascenter has been a specialized garden contractor, and since 2007, the company has been installing artificial grass in its garden projects. By adding LimeGreen® grass to its product portfolio, Kunstgrascenter makes the circular ONE-DNA™ available in various Flemish regions. This is an important step towards making the artificial grass market in Belgium more sustainable and circular.

" Wij willen graag de voordelen van kunstgras blijven benutten op een verantwoorde en toekomstbestendige manier! "
- Kris Van Keilegom / zaakvoerder
Kunstgrascenter ONE DNA Kunstgras

Reetsesteenweg 26
2630 Aartselaar

+32 486 51 03 89

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