ONE-DNA Strategie

ONE-DNA™ circular artificial grass strategy

LimeGreen® is committed to developing artificial grass products that retain their end-of-life value, aligning seamlessly with the sustainability goals of the EU. To achieve the necessary global transitions for the climate, more and more manufacturers are taking action. They are focusing on circularity, reducing CO2 emissions, and minimizing the use of raw materials.

Sustainable Goals

With ONE-DNA™ artificial grass, we are working towards three sustainable goals. Our artificial grass is composed of only one raw material. The use of a single type of polymer makes the product suitable for circularity, ensuring that raw materials are preserved and can be reused for new PE applications. Additionally, the production process consumes significantly less energy.

Reduced CO2 Footprint

The production process of our artificial grass is hardly different from that of others, except for the final phase. In this last phase, a special technique is used to anchor the grass fibers in the mat, which requires significantly less energy. Furthermore, 75% of the energy in our production process comes from solar panels on the factory roofs. Our ambition is to produce LimeGreen with 100% sustainable energy by 2025. Over the coming years, we will work in phases towards a fully energy-neutral value chain. In the meantime, we are already offsetting a significant part of our emissions through a partnership with Justdiggit.
