ONE-DNA Circulair kunstgras-PLAY

ONE-DNA™ Mini-pitch for Dutch municipality

Changemaker KSP Kunstgras has completed the construction of a soccer field with circular ONE-DNA™ artificial grass at Ton Lutzstraat in Berkel en Rodenrijs. The municipality of Lansingerland had a clear request for KSP – a sustainable green soccer field that can be used by everyone. Located right next to the IKC De Gouden Griffel primary school, this natural soccer field with wooden fencing is now available for students and all residents to enjoy.

Green play and 100% circular artificial grass

Green playgrounds and sports fields are becoming more common, and the municipality of Lansingerland places importance on sustainability and climate adaptation in its redevelopment projects. It became evident that a regular natural grass field would have no chance of survival at this location due to the intensive use of this soccer field. The most suitable solution was found with circular ONE-DNA™ artificial grass from LimeGreen®. With the appearance of natural grass and the circular solution of LimeGreen®, natural play is now possible without damaging the grass. LimeGreen® grass is extremely durable and remains playable throughout the year. This is a perfect example of the new possibilities that ONE-DNA™ artificial grass offers in projects where natural play is the focus.

Energy-efficient production and implementation

This project by Changemaker KSP demonstrates how sustainable a project can be. Our circular ONE-DNA™ artificial grass is produced with energy efficiency in mind, and the KSP team is also working hard to create a sustainable workflow to minimize carbon emissions. Eveline van der Velden, a project employee from the municipality, stated, “The work is carried out sustainably through the use of electric machines, such as an electric excavator. The project is sustainable not only due to the sustainable materials but also due to the sustainable methods used during construction.”

A sustainable and robust system

For this soccer field, KSP used an RST foundation, on which 25mm shock pads from ProPlay were placed. These shock pads can also be fully recycled after use. On top of this, KSP installed 24mm ONE-DNA™ Play artificial grass, filled with 20kg of sand and topped with LimeFill™. With this sustainable foundation, the artificial grass is safe to play on!
